Technology Partners
Datgel is a member of the Bentley Systems Developer Network, and a Silver Microsoft Partner. These provide Datgel with developer licenses and a communication conduit to the developers of our core technology platforms.
Datgel is a registered user of AGS Format, and Phil Wade is a member of the AGS UK data management working group and the AGS AU working group.

Industry Memberships
Datgel is a corporate member of the following:
- Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists, UK

- The Malaysian Site Investigators Association
Phil Wade is a member of the following:
- Australian Geomechanics Society
- Engineers Australia
- Geotechnical Society of Singapore
- International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering
- International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
- Malaysian Geotechnical Society
- Tunnelling & Underground Construction Society (Singapore)